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Profits That Lie Hidden In Your Landing Page

Running a perfect meta ad is great. But not enough. 

Because that is only the first step. 

We still need them to actually buy/convert. And that’s arguably as difficult as getting them to follow our CTA

They saw your ad, clicked the link to your website, and then… they didn’t buy 

Why’s that?

It's a landing page issue. Ugly design, bad copy, whatever. And landing pages are damn important. If you screw them up, you screw up the whole ad.

We don’t want to ruin a perfect ad, do we?

So what is the way to actually make a perfect landing page? What should it look like? What’s the secret formula?

Quick Tips For Making Perfect Landing Page

There are three components every landing page should have. Arguably two.

First one is a headline. That’s where we catch their attention and glue them to our website. 

So they can’t escape us. 

For example let’s say you own a puppy training school. And you decide to make a free e book to gather the emails from your leads. 

If you don’t know why that's such an effective marketing strategy, read our latest post. It’s gonna pay off, believe me.

So what would be the headline for your puppy business.


How to get your puppy to listen to you without having to use force


4 things you have to implement TODAY to make sure your puppy listens to you

See? It’s just sexy. You can’t read it and press x. You just can’t.

Second element is the subhead. It’s used to magnify the reader's desire and give him more reason to download your e book.

Usually if you nail the header you don’t even need one. But it’s to test with and without to know for sure what works the best.

For our puppy ebook it could be:

Non-forceful puppy training is the best and most effective way to get your puppy to obey your every command.

In this free guide, you'll learn how to achieve that quickly. No yelling, no complicated techniques, just a step-by-step explanation.

Last element is the one that actually makes conversion. It’s the opt in field. 

It could be a form to enter email, or any other contact info. 

When you make that three elements right, there's only one more thing you should look out for - having decent design.

“But I Don’t Know Anything About Design…”

Well, neither do I.

And I really don’t have to.

There is only one rule when it comes to designing landing page. It has to be simple.

That’s it.

You can’t have a thousand colors and think it is cool.

It is not.  It’s gay. 

Yeah, you can play a bit if you know a few things about design. 

But if you are like me and you don’t know shit about mixing colors and all of the design staff… then keep it simple. 

Do what always works. Two, three colors and make a good contrast between text and background. 

You Are Wasting Money By Not Testing Your Staff

You can never know what will always work out in the best way. That's why testing exists. 

You tweak a bit, change some colors, a few words or add some images and then compare results.

Then you can know what is the most effective way for getting people to fill out your forms or buy things.

Easyyyyyy man.

Talk soon.

P.S. You really hate designing pages and you are just not sure if your landing page is good?

Get in touch with my agency today.

 If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently and discuss it with you in depth on a call. 

No cost, no obligation. 

If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.

Sounds good? Then fill out this form.

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